So where are you working these days?
It was the 30-year school reunion. Michael’s friends were all going, and it would seem odd if he didn’t show up. Michael had spent the last three decades building his career in finance. He had done everything right…worked hard, provided for his family and was in the thick of raising his children. He was on a good wicket; the house was getting paid off and things were looking solid.
Michael had just been told his position at work had been made redundant.
But he hadn’t told anyone. Not even his wife.
He would, but the timing needed to be right.
“So where are you working these days?” That question. Inevitable.
Where is the exit?
Redundancy or being ‘let go’ can be one of life’s most significant events. Core to job loss is loss of professional identity. And for many, loss of professional identity is devastating. Shame, grief, rejection, humiliation, sadness and worthlessness are just a few of the initial feelings that are common and NORMAL for anyone on the receiving end of a redundancy. Even if you have ‘engineered’ a ticket out, or had a ‘say’ in the process, there are still real feelings of loss and exclusion when it actually happens. And research tells us that exclusion is one of life’s most painful experiences.
Career transition is like any transition. It’s a process of change.
And with all change comes uncertainty and discomfort.
But for many executives, change has usually been about something else, a new strategy, a new process, a new team. This time it’s all about them. And often, the future looks very unclear.
It’s at this point that we meet the executives who have joined our program.
And it’s at this point that they are most vulnerable. So, our first priority is to provide a safe and professional place to absorb the hit and provide a sense of hope and confidence about the future.
Our program is unique, tailored to the needs of executives who have high expectations of themselves and others and is underpinned by the latest findings in neuroscience, leadership and psychology research.
How does it work?
In the beginning, executives typically need at least a month to adjust to their new world. Usually this means withdrawing from the workplace and taking a break (at home or going away). During this time wounds are licked, and the initial shock subsides. They tell family and close friends and take stock. Taking stock can mean reflecting on finances, priorities, looking back and looking forward. Our team is attuned to this process and is set up to coach executives through this shaky period. We offer tactical support options for financial planning but also start to build a sense that it will be okay and there is a plan and support structure in place.
Understanding what’s going on and working out your next step can be tough. When your confidence has taken a knock and you are suddenly feeling your age, everything seems hard and really unclear.
Turning the spotlight back on yourself means getting honest about your value and your relevance in the professional arena.
For many, this is the first time that the ‘long hard look at the guy in the mirror’ can’t be ignored or pushed aside.
We partner with, and guide executives through a curated experience to refresh their personal and professional vision for the future. This is supported by getting really clear on the changes that need to be made to get them from where they are to where they need to be.
This is the beginning of the transformation process.
For some, it is a small refresh, for others, it can be a full re-purpose.
Appraising the Gap
With any change or transformation, there is a natural gap between where you are now and where you need or want to be.
The nature of the gap is unique to each individual.
It could be around:
- Skills / knowledge
- Experience
- Values / priorities
- Finances
- Lifestyle or something else.
Whatever it is. We work it out together.
Value Proposition
One of the early outcomes of the program us clarity around your Value Proposition (VP).
VP is the combination of your experience and competency. Knowing your magic is critical when communicating your value to those who can advocate for you (your network), to search firms and to future employers.
To work this out we take the findings from your discovery work, unpack your resume and build a powerful narrative that plays out through your conversations, your resume and online presence (LinkedIn etc).
The ability to tell a compelling story is a necessary skill in today’s world.
Going to Market
Like with any product, launch or market re-entry considers the value of the product, where it is best placed and who it serves.
You need to know
- What you do best
- Who you want to work with and serve and most importantly;
- WHY (the impact of your contribution)
These are the foundations for a successful market re-entry.
Alignment = Confidence
Confidence = Energy
Energy will propel you forward.
To prepare for this, we are able to guide you through the necessary tactical approaches to job search and offer the expertise of a deeply experienced executive search team. Resume, LinkedIn, Interview Readiness and Networking or advocacy are covered here.
We take you through the do’s and dont’s of your job search.
Looking for the next gig is scary but often comes with a sense of excitement. We support executives during this phase in whatever way they need. Some go it alone for a while, while others prefer to ‘talk through’ options and progress. Whatever works. Often it is helpful here to spend time strategizing upcoming interviews or important conversations. We can do this over the phone or face to face.
Landing the Role
Landing a role. Phew! Here we are. (Good news, Michael landed a cracker too!)
A job offer often comes with an adrenaline rush and excitement.
After the negotiations are over (we can help you with these) it’s time to prepare for your first 100 days.
Thinking about the role, building a plan and aligning it with your personal and professional vision is work that successful executives do prior to, and during the early period of their new role.
Our coaches know that spending time here is important and is able to provide support to executives who are prepared to focus on this critical step.
Our Relationship
One of the best parts of meeting new executives and supporting them through transformation is building lasting relationships. We value these relationships and want them to continue. Therefore, our door is always open – even after the program is formally complete. Careers are organic, dynamic and can be unpredictable. Paying attention to your career (in good times and bad) is critical for career sustainability and relevance in a constantly changing world.
We believe that the capacity for reinvention is the single most important career attribute for executives today and we are committed to help them get there.
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